Document Control and
Regulation Compliance
Across Industry Sectors


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In addition to the common aspects of document delivery legislation that are addressed by REACH Delivery.
The following is a summary of some of the key aspects of the EPCRA Legislation, current Spring 2012, regarding document delivery and the corresponding capabilities of REACH Delivery to ensure that compliance is maintained.

 Notification of Section 313 chemicals

Chemical suppliers are required to notify customers of any EPCRA Section 313 chemicals present in mixtures or other trade name products that are distributed to facilities.

The notice must be provided to the receiving facility and may be attached or incorporated into that product’s MSDS. If no MSDS is required, the notification must be in a letter that accompanies the first shipment of the product to your facility. This letter must contain the chemical name, CAS number, and the weight or volume percent of the chemical (or a range) in the mixture or other trade name product.

Click here to see the actual EPCRA legislation









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REACH Delivery International is a member of the Mpower1 Group of Companies