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2011 Archives

Unique REACH 2013 Support Programme for SME
December 2011: 
In line with the “REACH 2013 – Act Now!” campaign launched by the European Chemicals Agency to raise awareness of REACH with Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), a unique industry initiative has been launched to provide SMEs with a series of high quality REACH support products and services from well-known providers, in a single, low-cost promotional ‘bundle’.
See article online

European Oil & Gas: REACHing for Perfection
November 2011: Companies have invested time and effort into getting the content of their (M)SDS right and it is just as important to ensure that they are delivering the documents in line with the new regulations. Malcolm Carroll discusses the REACH legislation, and how to improve health and safety while ensuring compliance.
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Hazardous Cargo: Don't Jeopardise Compliance

October 2011: The initial REACH deadline may now be a receding memory, but companies involved in the manufacturing or distribution of dangerous goods need to be aware of ongoing requirements under the REACH regulation, as Malcolm Carroll, director of REACH Delivery, explains...
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Process Industry Informer: Don't Gamble with REACH Compliance

Process Industry Informer MagazineSeptember 2011: In December last year, EU chemical manufacturers will have breathed a collective sigh of relief that the first phase of REACH compliance was complete.  In this phase, high volume and hazardous chemicals were registered with the European Chemicals Agency (EECHA).
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Finishing: Free Delivery From REACH

September 2011: Reach Delivery International has launched a new Free (low usage) version of its leading electronic document delivery service to help a greater number of companies achieve REACH document delivery compliance easily and cost effectively...
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European Chemical Engineer: Next Steps for REACH Compliance

August 2011: To comply with REACH, any company involved in importing and distributing oil to and within the EU will need to ensure the direct delivery of Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and associated documentation to customers.  They will also need to ensure SDSs are kept up to date, that customers can provide validation of their delivery, that they are using the most current SDSs throughout their organisation and that they have sufficient audit capabilities...   View copy of article

Solids & Bulk Handling: REACH Compliance

August 2011: REACH, the European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals are complex and wide-ranging.  The regulations affect any company importing or distributing chemicals to and within the EU.  Under REACH, these companies are required to register all chemicals with the European Chemicals Agency...    View copy of article

Connecting Industry: This is no time to relax

August 2011: While few could deny the importance of the REACH regulation in promoting and ensuring the safe use of chemicals, many would agree that it is one of the most complex pieces of legislation to impact importers of chemicals to and within the EU. Therefore, achieving registration successfully would not just have been a major milestone, but also the accumulation of many months of hard work. ... View copy of article     See article online

Adhesives & Sealants Industry: The Next Stage of Compliance

July 2011: As this next stage of REACH begins, the issues companies in the industry face are significant. How should companies fully comply with the legislation in respect of delivery and receipt of SDSs? How do they maintain their operations and ensure consistent use of current information across all operational areas? How do they effectively audit internal and external delivery, receipt and access of critical information by customers? Most importantly, how do they address possible legal action should the need arise? ... View copy of article     See article online

Chemical Weekly: Don’t gamble with REACH compliance

June 2011: There is no doubt that REACH compliance is a hugely complex issue for companies around the world, but automating & guaranteeing the safe delivery of SDSs will ease the complexity and ensure one key element of compliance is addressed. At the end of the day, after all the hard work that has gone into registration, it doesn’t make sense for companies to gamble with their compliance!... View copy of article

Bulk Distributor:
Solving the next challenges of REACH Compliance

June 2011: ..One key element of REACH is the requirement for manufacturers and importers of chemical substances to register them with the European Chemicals Agency.  With an estimated 30,000 substances on the European market in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year... View copy of article

IMPO: Next Steps For REACH Compliance

June 2011: ..[Companies] need to ensure SDSs are kept up to update, customers can provide validation of their delivery, they are using the most current SDSs throughout their organization and that they have sufficient audit capabilities... View copy of article    See article online

Manufacturing.Net: Next Steps For REACH Compliance

June 2011: ...The next phase of compliance, which involves the production and delivery of safety data sheets (SDSs). To comply with REACH, any company involved in importing and distributing chemicals to and within the EU will need to ensure the direct delivery of SDSs and associated documentation to customers.....  View a copy of article     See article online

ChemManager: Importance of Reach Document Delivery

June 2011: Important Considerations - Even though the first phase of Reach registration has come and gone, this is no time to relax says Malcolm Carroll of Reach Delivery. The delivery of safety data sheets (SDSs) is an importance part of compliance, Carroll explains.....  View a copy of article       See article online

Reinforced Plastics: Don't gamble with REACH Compliance

May 2011: Under REACH, companies will need to ensure the direct delivery of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and associated documentation to their customers. REACH Delivery is a secure online SDS delivery service that ensures compliance with REACH regulations....    View a copy of the full article

Process Engineer: Next Steps for REACH Compliance
May 2011: REACH affects companies throughout the world, similar legislation is now being considered in other countries, most significantly in the US. To comply with REACH, any company involved in importing or distributing oil to and within the EU will need to ensure the direct delivery of Safety Data Sheets and associated documentation to customers.  View Full Article

World Water: Managing Regulatory Compliance
May 2011: ...The flexibility and global nature of REACH Delivery is intended to meet the requirements of proposed new US legislation when required. In the meantime US REACH Delivery users benefit by being able to distribute the SDS not just to EU customers but throughout their own company, via REACH Delivery, free of charge, ensuring the very latest SDS are always being used across their organization. ....
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Biofuels International: Are you REACH compliant?
May 2011: REACH is one of the most complex regulations to affect companies involved in importing and transporting biofuels within the EU. To achieve REACH compliance any company involved in the sector will need to rethink the way in which they send Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) to customers, as the legislation now insists that the responsibility for sending them directly to customers and ensuring their receipt lies with them. Failure to do so could result in legal action....
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Chem Info: Next Steps for REACH Compliance.  
April 2011: With the REACH registration of high-volume and hazardous chemicals now complete, many companies will now be turning their attention to the next phase of compliance, which involves the production and delivery of safety data sheets (SDSs). To comply with REACH, any company involved in importing and distributing chemicals to and within the EU will need to ensure the direct delivery of SDSs and associated documentation to customers...
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Speciality Chemicals: Stand and Deliver.  
April 2011: REACH is one of the most complex and far-reaching pieces of legislation ever to impact the chemicals industry. The regulations affect companies of all sizes everywhere in the world, as they apply to any companies that manufacture or import a huge range of substances in the EU, including most international chemicals manufacturers, distributors and downstream users.....
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Engineer: REACH Document Compliance.  
April 2011: It has become clear recently that many companies now need to look at this aspect of REACH legislation. This year is starting to see a high number of revised SDSs entering the supply chain and keeping track of what has been sent to which customer and ensuring 'delivery' is bringing new challenges.....
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Finishing Magazine: next steps for REACH Compliance.  
April 2011: With the REACH registration of high volume and hazardous chemicals now complete, many companies will now be turning their attention to the next phase of compliance which involves the production and delivery of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) ....
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Industrial Minerals Magazine: Are you REACH compliant?  
April 2011: REACH – the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances – is one of the most complex regulations to affect companies involved in importing and transporting any kind of chemical within the European Union....
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Commodities Now: REACH compliance What's Next.  
March 2011: The introduction of REACH and Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) legislation has had a sweeping affect as companies in diverse industries around the world are preparing their operations and working practices to realise compliancy.  Most elements of the commodities industry are affected particularly as the widening legislation is impacting all stages of the supply chain....
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Webinar: REACH Compliance for SDS Delivery  
March 2011: REACH Delivery International joined together with Chemical Information Services to deliver a webinar on how to become and remain compliant with REACH legislation in the delivery and management of Safety Data Sheets (SDS). Those that missed the live session can register to view the recorded webcast.  Dates for the next REACH Delivery webinars will be released soon.
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Chem Info: Document delivery for EU REACH compliance
February 2011: REACH Delivery Intl. has launched a service designed to enable chemical manufacturers, importers, distributors and downstream users to guarantee the secure delivery and receipt of safety date sheets (SDS) and associated documentation when they ship chemical substances in Europe - a key requirement of the European Union (EU) REACH Legislation....
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Chemical Watch: Supply chain communication needs drive innovative firms
February 2011: REACH places an obligation on manufacturers and downstream users of chemicals to communicate iteratively in order to safely manage their risks. This duty is driving innovation in services offered to chemical supply chains as we illustrate with case studies of two new services – REACHDelivery and chemSIX – being launched now....
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REACH Delivery Announce Availability of API
February 2011:  REACH Delivery made the keenly awaited Application Program Interface (API) for the REACH Delivery service available to approved suppliers in February 2011.  The API provides a standardised programmatic connection that enables third party software to interact directly with the REACH Delivery service.  Initially the API is being used by suppliers of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) production software systems.
More Information

British Plastics and Rubber magazine: REACH compliance– keeping up with the paperwork
January 2011: With completion of the registration stage of REACH, companies are turning their attention to the next level of compliance, Safety Data Sheets. Malcolm Carroll, managing director of Reach Delivery, points out shortcomings in complying with proof of delivery for these vital documents and describes one way of overcoming them....
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Alleviating the Headaches of REACH Compliance with REACH Delivery
January 2011:  REACH Delivery International is today announcing the launch of REACH Delivery, a new service that will enable chemical manufacturers, importers, distributors and downstream users to guarantee the secure delivery and receipt of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and associated documentation when they ship chemical substances to customers within Europe; a key requirement of EU REACH legislation.
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A number of publications reported on the the launch; A selection of the coverage may be viewed by clicking on the following publication logos.

To see REACH Delivery in the News articles and information from before this time please visit the following news archives.


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